“San Diego Bay Flyover” Prints or Canvas



This image is available in several options.  Choose your size and material from the dropdown menu:

Fine Art Paper Print:
The image is printed on high-quality, archival grade, acid-free, 100% cotton rag fine art paper. They are archival-grade and acid-free to ensure a longer print life compared to other paper options, as well as a higher print quality.  This option is the print only, without a frame or mat.

Framed Fine Art Paper Prints:
The image is printed on the same high-quality cotton rag fine art paper, and framed with a white mat providing a 1.5 inch border around the print.  Choose from a white or black wood frame.

1.25″ Wrapped Canvas:
The image is printed directly on archival-grade and acid-free canvas material, wrapped around a 1.25 inch thick solid wood stretcher bar for a ready-to-hang option.

Metal Print:
A beautiful and modern option in which the image is fused onto a sturdy aluminum sheet, producing a vivid and vibrant display.  This option includes stainless steel mounting posts for a chic look.


Processing and Shipping:

Each print or canvas is produced upon order at a professional lab, and is normally shipped within 3 days of order.  Shipping times may vary depending on location, so please allow 7 to 10 business days for your purchase to arrive.  Shipping prices will be calculated at checkout.

If you experience any issues with shipping, or have received any product damaged during shipping, please reach out through the contact page.  I want you to love your print

Additional information


8 x 12 inches, 12 x 18 inches, 16 x 24 inches, 20 x 30 inches, 24 x 36 inches

Print or Canvas

Fine Art Paper Print, Framed Fine Art Paper Print (black frame), Framed Fine Art Paper Print (white frame), 1.25" Wrapped Canvas, Metal Print


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